The most effective diet for novājētu at home

The decision to lose weight women, review of your diet. There are two options: strike a balance between a diet and a mode of physical activity, and, as a result of the weight of the normal mode, there is a minus of 0,5-2 kg per week, or to lose weight fast in one or the other extreme, but effective diet. Which version do you like more? Many of the girls to choose a fast ways to lose weight as much we see the results in just a few days ago!

Diet products

However, in the rapid for effective diet is the other half of the score is in the short-term. Lost in the fasting of kilos of returning just as soon as a walked in. In addition, the cut-off ways to lose weight for almost one time. They help you to lose weight, once, twice. But over time cease to work. This is due to the fact that, in periods of caloric deficit – stress in the body, and little by little he will "learn" to resist. Therefore, more and more girls ' preference, not to the extreme methods to weight loss and a healthy balanced diet that ensures the long-term effects.

Sometimes, however, it is necessary, in order to lose weight quickly before a sports competition, special dates, and events. The list of requirements for some occupations are specified in the rules of the weight, and if you're struggling to the standard, to solve the problem can only be fast and efficient in the diet. We have compiled the most popular ones in the power settings, which helps you to get rid of 5 to 10 superfluous kg. But note that the rational side of caution! At the abrupt restriction in the diet may be side effects.

TOP 5 most effective diet

The diet plan for a week

The easiest and fastest way to lose a few pounds in a home environment – it is in mono. They have a number of drawbacks: the monotony of the meals, which are caused by vitamin and micronutrient deficit, and the rapid return of the lost kilos, you need to consult with your doctor first. And yet, they're owned by one of the effective diets express notievēšanai.

Kim Protasova

Suitable for those who are fond of vegetables, and easy to picture without the meat. A diet that is made Protasov, for 5 weeks. It is built on the svaigajos vegetables, with a little additive in fermented milk products. The menu looks approximately so:

  • breakfast: nesaldu coffee, skimmed milk, yogurt, and apple;
  • the second breakfast: carrots with homemade cheese;
  • lunch: herbal tea, an apple, a salad with grated cheese;
  • launags: carrots, lettuce, and apple;
  • dinner: boiled egg, tomatoes, greens, and kefir.

The diet must be lazy

Sometimes, the time for cooking complicated recipes are not. The good news is that there is an effective diet, which calls for the culinary delights. The first principle is "be lazy" meals: before eating, drink 2 cups of clean, warm water. It's warm! The essence of it is simple: warm water, pour the hunger sensation, while at the same time not allowing to overeat.

In accordance with the ways of how to fast to lose weight you need to eat three times a day, the limit for products not in practice. Although the sweet, greasy and fried foods, alcohol, and carbonated beverages, the better to refuse.


From the diet

With the mono you can lose up to 10 kg in a week. However, from a mess you need not to boil, and steamed. Due to the fact she gets a not-so-great, but helps you to lose weight. First of all groats rinsed off, pour the boiling water and wait until the full swelling of the grains. It takes a lot of time, so it steamed a mess you need 12 hours a day. The best thing to do in the evening. To the buckwheat, add a bit of salt, spices, a spoon of soy sauce.

The amount of the quantity of cereal into the 5 meals and eat it during the day. The last meal should take place no later than 5 hours prior to sleep. Half an hour before a meal, drink a glass of water. You can also indulge in the nesaldinātas of green tea. But to exploit this effectively the diet is not worth it, otherwise you run the risk of "earning" the diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract.

The Diet Of Ducane

It is the protein in your diet, which is based in a practically complete abandonment of the food. Pierre Dukan stated that it would be to eat constantly, and a variety on the menu. And yet, in the diet, which is created in the Dukanom is not for everyone, but for those who need to lose 10 kg, and who is willing to wait for results for a month or more.

The transition on the consumption is carried out in several stages. First of all, you completely abstain from carbs, replacing them with protein. Then, alternate the vegetables and the protein from the weight. After that may be a little to enter the carbs in the diet, but the percentage will still be higher than 10% of the total amount of the product.

A simple diet

The Mono-suited for all difficult to handle because of the sorrow on the menu, a drastic reduction of carbohydrates in the quantities, it is necessary to search for a specific product. But there are ways on how to lose weight without a large number of complex cooking terms.

Kefīru diet

Kefīru diet

One of the most popular options for emergency reduction of weight kefīru mono-and di -. To withstand her it is not easy, but the difficulties with the planning of the food and win a meal. The bottom line is that you iedzerat a day in 1.5 l of kefīra, in spite of this, even greasy, and that's it. So you can lose up to 5 kg in a week. However, to sit in on one of yogurt for more than 3 to 5 days can not be otherwise, the body will start to suffer from power exhaustion.

Regimen for fast weight loss

Hard to to restrict the the food effectively in a short time. So, while sitting on one of kefir or buckwheat in soup, be prepared for the fact that the loss of kg for a fast return. But you can modify your diet to decrease in weight, as well as to provide the same level plus-a minus of 2 kg, in order To do this, you should eat a complex: there is a big portion three times a day but in small portions 5 times. Also, abstain from all high calorie foods:

  • fizzy sweetened beverages;
  • alcohol.
  • based;
  • fried and baked potatoes;
  • european processing of red meat;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • cereal for breakfast cereal quick cooking;
  • fast food;
  • muffin and other baking of white flour.

The basis of the diet should compose of fresh fruit and vegetables, no oily fish and white meat, grains other than white rice. It is useful to make a food blog, having regard to all the meals, even the insignificant. It should also be taken to calculate the day of the required calories for your weight and a way of life, take away from 300 to 500 units, and stick with the same calorie content.

An effective, dense forms, as in the

In addition to these techniques, accident, weight loss, and others.

The diet for 5 days of the effective

The thinner girl

"Trepīte" – a method of weight-loss to 3-8 kg in a 5-day period of time. It is based on the five steps for food-which is equal to 5 for the week:

  1. A cleansing day of fasting, with the regular use of pure water.
  2. The recovery: you may eat cultured foods.
  3. Power: you delight in the organism to the glucose by the raisins, honey and other natural products.
  4. Construction: during this stage, eat all the protein.
  5. Fat burning: need of fiber, which saturates and soothes the hunger feeling.

The most effective diet for a week

The easiest way is to cut down on the a week weight in diet, from one of the seeds of buckwheat porridge and a kefīra. Yes, at so monotonous, but you will loose up to 5 kg kg kg kg kg Griķus to be prepared as from the methodology: steamed, rather than cooked. On the day of izdzeram up to 1.5 l of skimmed milk powder kefīra.

An effective diet for 10 days

The essence of the superdeity slimming, one day you can eat only one product in a quantity of up to 1 kg in the Last lose weight in 10 days can reduce up to 8 kg, However, the doctors warn you: this technique helps to reduce the weight, but also not safe for the health. Therefore, at the first sign of the disease, you need to consult with your doctor first. And, in order to avoid the risk of the disease, the following principles shall apply:

  • choose a natural product.
  • the turn off from the menu fatty, sweet, smoked, red meat, alcohol;
  • make a schedule for eating and stick to it;
  • minimize the salt that is consumed with the food.

The possibilities of the products, which are suitable for this method of weight loss: boiled potatoes, fresh cabbage, cooked beetroot, uncooked carrots. Also, we recommend the fresh cucumber, apples and cooked rice. You can also arrange for "kefir", and the "milk" of course.

You can try out, and the vegan diet. This is a safer option, but you can lose up to 3 kg, the methods of the Nature of the consumption of some vegetables and fruits, giving up all other foods, including cheese, eggs, and milk.

In the diet for 2 weeks and effective

Fourteen easy, though a little bit you can try the extreme way to lose weight, that is the virtually complete abandonment of the food. Eat the whole, are in need of just a little bit healthier, foods in order to not any a sense of fullness. You will permanently be able to feel the famine, the major pounds to lose in the first week of fasting, after which the growth of weight loss will be slower.

However, this diet is suitable, to put it mildly, not at all. Fasting – a stress for the body, and for the two weeks of under-nutrition in a whole bouquet of side effects. Therefore, we recommend that you have a less-dramatic way to normalize the body mass: the development of the consumption of the same product in a single day. It can be extended, and for the 14 days, the main thing to not forget to drink 2 litres of water a day, and to combine the use of the products.

Development of an innovative and effective diet pills 10 kg kg kg kg kg

To narrow the waist

There are three ways to reduce your body weight by 10 kg: a solid moisturizer, and green. We recommend that no cases of extreme necessity shall not be used for solid methods, because they have a lot of side effects. But if to reduce weight, there is an urgent need, you can try the following option: to opt out of the fed with the high calorie content of the food products, and the transition to a low-calorie diet. Max calories on the daily diet – 1300 calories. In order to avoid the constant hunger feeling, it is necessary to distribute the food to the 7-8 ways.

Saudzīgāks variant of the cleaning method, which is to avoid the use of products of animal origin, as well as a baked, * for greasy, and the smoked food. It should be replaced with fruits, vegetables, cereals, and various netaukainām dairy products. But, in this case, it is important to eat small meals 5 times a day.

Soft diet for people have more easily, it is designed for a weight of 10 kg for a month at a time. A strict limit of no, but it is a high calorie food, fast food, desserts, fruit cake, sweet carbonated drinks, it is necessary to turn off completely. Also, give up the fatty, fried, smoked. Instead, eat black, and the feast of unleavened bread, slightly stale roasted muffins, oil, celery, milk and milk products, vegetables and fruits. You can also eat grasses, beans, lean meats, and fish. Drink green tea, kefir, fresh fruit and juices. The packaging, as the manuscript said!

The secrets to easy diet

In order to reduce the weight, it's important to keep the motivation: keep in mind your own objectives. Also, try to make this time more enjoyable: there is no close contact, pastaigājieties in the open air, nodarbojieties in the sport. Don't forget to drink at least 2 litres of pure mineral water a day, eat smaller portions, and then the diētiskais diet will make it easier to understand.

The feedback and results in a thinner

The experience of the thinner of the girls confirmed: the transition to a well-balanced diet – there is a direct path to a beautiful shapely body!

For reviews of doctors and specialists

Doctors remind: safe for the health of the decrease in body mass of 0.5-1 kg per week. Can lose weight up to 2 kg per week, without the effects of the internal organs, but more a brisk pace – the stress of the body. He was unable to walk, without consequences, as a result of it is endokrinoloģiskas disorders and diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract. In addition, the vilinādama strongly to the dose you can fall into the trap of eating disorders. This may take the form of compulsive with overeating and the fear of eating something harmful.

Therefore, doctors recommend not to starve, but to strike a balance between your diet, so the body receives all the essential nutrients. If you want to lose weight, a calorie deficit should be so easy for them. Studies have shown that it is safe to reduce the consumption of not more than 25% of the calorie content of the current chunk.